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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

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Looking to raise awareness?

Film Screening + Q&A
about domestic violence

Feature Film abou Domestic Violence

1.  Screening with directors

 +  discussion and q&A

2.  Screening without directors

 +  guided discussion

"Cheer Me Up", an award-winning feature film, based on true life stories of a woman who went through many years of domestic violence and was able to find her way out.

The film shows the complexity of living under domestic violence, the needs of each family member, the love beneath the jealousy and the desire for harmony under the shadow of violence. There is no real physical violence in the film but rather suppression that is hidden in the grayer areas of violence that can be even more distressing. The film opens people's eyes and awakens an important examination about the many shades of violence that can hide under the misconception of love.

Until now the film has influenced thousands of people and arises a fascinating discussion after its screening.


mili ben hayl

Mili Ben Hayl

Mili Ben Hayl is an independent director/screenwriter who studied at the Dept. of Film and Television in Tel-Aviv University. For over 15 years she's been giving workshops in creative writing & directing in diverse communities all around Israel.

tamar shippony

Tamar Shippony

Tamar Shippony is an experimental filmmaker and artist who studied at Pratt Institute in New York and Bezalel Academy of Arts in Israel. She holds an active art studio in Jerusalem.

Mili and Tamar have their our own production company called '288 Sparks' where they produce & direct films together.

Film Trailer


Behind the Scenes of the Film

The idea for the film was sparked at a writing workshop for women in Ramle, Israel. This is where we first met Hava, a brave woman who experienced violence from her husband for more than 20 years. In contradiction to the statistics Hava was able to find her way out from the violent relationship and slowly build a new life for herself. The writing workshop increased the desire of telling her story to the world and influencing many people to find the strength within themselves to rehabilitate their lives. Together with her we set on the journey of writing the script which is based on stories from her life.


Press Kit

Our have a look here:

Film Premiere at the Kolkata International Film Festival

​For more information contact us at this e-mail


or call Tamar +972-52-6483248  /  Mili +972-54-2028218

Credits for Feature Film "Cheer Me Up"
Cheer Me Up Facebook
Cheer Me Up IMDB
Cheer Me Up Youtube

© 2025   288 Sparks 



Email - 288sparks [at]    Directors/Producers - Mili Ben Hayl  +972-54-2028218  /  Tamar Shippony  +972-52-6483248

Film Credits and Sponsers for the film "Cheer Me Up"

© 2018   288 Sparks 

Email - 288sparks [at]    Directors/Producers - Mili Ben Hayl  +972-54-2028218  /  Tamar Shippony  +972-52-6483248

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